Oh The Irony

You know … two days ago, I created a blog about child molestation and how uncommon it is.  This rings ironic because yesterday, one of my employees experienced a terrible situation that reflects back to my topic.  Her cousin, a 42 year old man took upon himself to touch her 16 year old daughter while she slept.  Some might think rubbing a 16 year old on the ass while she slept and did not know it was occurring is nothing compared to the extent pedophiles go through to manipulate our children.  Well how about this for a kicker.  He had the audacity to message her on Facebook telling her what he had done and to not tell anyone.  *Hears a record scratch somewhere* … Now, her mother is Bahamian and very protective of her children .. her life in general.  She reacted as any mother would.  She grabbed a gas can, a rolling pin and a knife and headed across the street to the cousin’s house to burn his townhouse down.  Of course, no one let her get that far but it shows her rage.  This is a short blog but I just wanted to mention that child molestation is in fact .. too damn common.  The child deleted the message (which in my opinion was a stupid thing to do) .. so the police took the entire situation as hearsay and had no grounds to move on anything.  The cousin walks free and the child remains devastated.  The mother, to say the least, is still angry about the matter.  I brought her back to my office and spent some time talking with her.  I explained to her that she has her children to think about and to do something drastic that could land her behind bars with be a stupid move as a mother.  Think of the kids.  Even though they have a father, no one can raise our children like we would.  She agreed … eyes red from the tears … heart racing from the rage.  I told her to go home and get some rest.  Be there for her kids.  Better to know now before something happened that would be much worse than touching her daughter’s butt.



Thanks for reading,

♥ Dade ♥

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